Diponegoro War

The Java War or Diponegoro War happened at Central Java in 1825 untill 1830. It was between the Dutch and the native Javanese rebels. It started as an outbreak led by Prince Diponegoro, a leading Javanese
 society member that worked together with the Dutch before.

The rebel forces were delayed by a blockade at Yogyakarta, stopping them from receiving an immediate win. This authorize the Dutch to raise and ship in new army. The rebels adopted guerilla tactics in fighting the dutch for several years.

The Dutch won by betraying and capturing Prince Diponegoro in a Peace Conference. Led by the cost of the war, the Dutch colonial authorities did a major reforms throughout the Dutch East Indies to make sure that the colonies were profitable.

The exact reason was the Dutch decision to built a road over Diponegoro's family graveyard. Amongst other causes was a sense of revenge felt by members of the Javanese royal families at Dutch restrict land rent with a high price.

Finally the succession of the throne in Yogyakarta was disputed: Diponegoro was the oldest son of Hamengkubuwono III, but as his mother was not the queen he was considered not having the rights to continue his father's legacy that is the throne. Diponegoro's rival to the throne, his younger half brother, Hamengkubuwono IV, and then his infant nephew Hamengkubuwono V, who was working together with the Dutch colonials.

Being a religious Muslim, Diponegoro was surprised because the religious observance at Yogyakarta court being relaxed, the rising influences of the infidel Dutch in court, as well as the court's pro-Dutch policy. Among Diponegoro's followers, the war has been described as a 'jihad' both against the Dutch and the murtad or apostate Javanese.

The forces of Prince Diponegoro were successful in the beginning of the war, in control of the middle of Java and surrounding Yogyakarta. The Javanese population was supportive of Prince Diponegoro's reasons, whereas the Dutch colonial authorities were initially hesitant. The Javanese peasantry had been adversely affected by the implementation of an exploitive cultivation policiy, which required villages to grow export crops to be sold to the government at fixed prices.

As the Java war continue, Prince Diponegoro had difficulties in keeping the numbers of his army. The Dutch colonial army, however, was able to fill its ranks with native troops from Sulawesi, and later on with European reinforcements from the Netherlands itself. The Dutch commander, General de Kock, raised the siege of Yogyakarta on 25 September 1825.

Prince Diponegoro then began an extensive guerrilla war. Finally in 1827, the Dutch army gain the upper hand through the deployment of mobile detachments of colonial army, based in a number of small forts located throughout central Java.

The rebellion ended in 1830, after Prince Diponegoro was tricked into entering Dutch controlled territory near Magelang, believing he was there for negotiations for a possible settlement. He was captured through betrayed and departed to Manado and then to Makassar, where he died in 1855.

humanweirdo. (2019, March 12). Text structural from recount text about diponegoro war. Retrieved from brainly.co.id: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22082425


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