The legend of Surakarta Palace
The Legend of Surakarta Palace A king living in a very old palace in Kartasura just west of Surakarta in Central Java long, long ago wanted to move to “somewhere better”, but he had no idea where that was. "Hmm... I want to move from this palace to somewhere better, but how?" said the king to himself . After thinking different ways to find that “better” place, he chose to let an elephant decide. An elephant was let loose in the palace courtyard. The elephant wandered around the courtyard before going out of the palace grounds. Wherever it went, the king and his family followed. The elephant first stopped at the village of Kadipolo in Surakarta, so the king settled there and ordered his people to build a new palace in that village. "We will build a palace here" said the king. While the people were working on the palace, the elephant started to walk again, leaving Kadipolo and stopping at a place called Solo, still within the region of Surakarta. So...