
Showing posts from September, 2019

Audrey Yu Jia Hui

Audrey Yu Jia Hui Meet Audrey Yu Jia Hui, my inspirational person after my mom. She got viral because of her cleverness. I'm going tell a little bit about her. Audrey Yu Jia Hui or known as Maria Audrey Lukito was born on the first of may 1988 at Surabaya. She's well known because of graduating highschool at the age of 13, amazing right ? She finish elementary school in 5 years, junior high school in one year, and senior highschool for only 11 months. She was considered to smart and was admitted to a mental hospital. Her friends would mock her for being 'different'. When she was 12 years old and about to complete her senior year, difficuty started to come to her. No University in Indonesia who could accept a 13 years old. So her parents look for university who could accept Audrey whether it is at Indonesia or not. Audrey finally manage to find univertsity  that could accept her.  College of William and Mary at Virginia,study at Physics Majors  and continue